You’ve written a devotion. But now what do you do
Click the links below to five publications accepting unsolicited devotions.
Be careful to follow their submission guidelines.
And pray. God knows who needs your devotions. He’ll make sure they land in the right place.
Click Send:
Christian Devotions
Devotions for Adults; Word Count: 300-400 words; They don’t pay. God does. This is a tithe to the Lord.
Devotions for kids; Word Count: 65-250 words; They don’t pay. God does. This is a tithe to the Lord.
The Secret Place
Devotions for adults; Word Count: 150-200 words; $20 per published devotion.
Devotions for adults, mostly Mennonite audience; Word Count not stated; $100-125 for seven devotions.
Devotions for adults; Word Count: 250 words; $25 per devotion upon publication.
[bctt tweet=”5 Places To Submit Devotions for Publication #AmWriting ( ” username=”@jeanwilund”]