SC Story Call Out: Are you living a changed life or know someone who is? Reach Out Columbia Magazine is seeking Salvation Stories via

Story Call Out for SC: Living a Changed Life? Share Your Story for Reach Out Columbia Magazine

SC Story Call Out: Are you living a changed life or know someone who is? Reach Out Columbia Magazine is seeking Salvation Stories via

Story Call Out for South Carolina: Are you living a changed life or know someone who is?

The editor of Reach Out, Columbia (ROC) magazine (and Word Weavers member) Lori Hatcher wants to talk with you.

Call Out for Salvation stories

Dear Christian Writer,

I’m brainstorming new ideas for ROC and wanted to tell you about a new feature called A Changed Life. Each month I’d like to publish someone’s salvation story. I can’t remember the last time I heard someone give a good, old-fashioned testimony about who he/she was before Christ, how he/she came to know Him, and how being a Christian has changed his/her life.  I suspect I’m not alone. 

By publishing local people’s salvation stories, I hope to use ROC as a vehicle to share the Gospel simply and clearly with our readers. Now more than ever, we need to shine the light of Christ into our ever-darkening community.

If you or someone you know has an inspiring testimony, I’d love to hear it. At this point, I’m limiting my requests to those in South Carolina.

Here are a few guidelines:

1. Write your story as if  you were talking with someone who has no church background. Use simple words and avoid Christian lingo that could confuse unbelievers (ex. “got saved,” “asked Jesus into my heart,” “the Holy Spirit convicted me,” etc.) This will probably be the hardest part, but I know you can do it.

2. Be sure to include what your life was like before Christ, how you came to believe in Christ, and how your life is different now.

3. Limit your submissions to 600 words.

4. Please include a picture and a 40-word bio.

Also, if you know others who have a clear salvation testimony who might be willing to share their stories, please send me their contact information or ask them to email me at

I hope all is well with you. Thank you so much for your ongoing support and prayers for ROC, and for considering my request. 


Lori Hatcher
Reach Out, Columbia magazine

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SC Story Call Out: Are you living a changed life or know someone who is? Reach Out Columbia Magazine is seeking Salvation Stories via

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